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Friday, June 08, 2007

Finally, im home.
although im terribly jet-lagged so i'm up at 4am every morning! how sad is that! Plan to avoid jet-lag failed....
So pls come online at 4 in the morning to chat with me. ^^

Posted @ { 5:37 pm }
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Friday, June 01, 2007

After all the frustration with the house searching and all, we decided to take the day off and go to Hamley's. It's this huge ass toy shop just in case you were wondering with 7 stories of toys. 7 stories!!! G.G. If you thought toys'r'us was big you havent seen Hamley's.
Anyway, we decided we'll start from the basement floor, LEGO floor and work our way up. Just as we were going down the stairs, Le Hong got all excited and started talking about bionicles. Naturally, my first reaction was like bio-wtf?!?! And he started going on and on about like some new lego toys and bla bla bla.
So we started looking 1 by 1 at the little boxes of toys called bionicles..... hahaha... they are so cute!!! Well.... actually no, they are damn 7 ugly but you know la, they look all cool and stuff. Each bionicle has a different ability and weapon and there are like different groups of them. The underwater bionicles are the ugliest and they have weird weapons. 1 of them had like some super long tentacles and all of them seemed to have a crossbow which would shoot out an orange thing that looks like a sotong. And the other group had weapons that shoots out balls! And apparently if you colllect a few of them you can join them up....... sounds a bit like power rangers ?
Anyway, this is the bionicles in case you were wondering what they look like.

Quite cool eh..... its for ages 7 - 17. i kinda wish i was younger so i could ask my parents to get me 1.
Of course since its by LEGO, some self-assembly is required but that adds the fun rite!
Haha..... i know i sound like a little kid so i better stop it now!

*edit* if you dont think they are cool check this video out!
btw, anyone knows the title and artist of the song?

I'll be flying back home in 4 days. Let the countdown begin!
Oh and i burnt myself today.... really really really hurts!

Posted @ { 10:17 pm }
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

No rest for the wicked!
Exams are over but how am i enjoying my last few days in London, by calling agent after agent, entering office after office and viewing flat after flat! Accomodation in London - Not cheap man! not cheap at all....
At this rate it would be lucky if i can find a flat for £120 - £130 that is within walkign distance of school.
Nice flats are £600 per week for 3 people. vomit blood.
Thats £200 per person everyweek not including bills which probably is another £15. Adds up to £860 a week which is rougly RM6020!! WTF!!!! o.0 my parents will kill me! and not to say the place is very very nice also. Average only, quite big la thats all!

And dealing with estate agents is not the most pleasant experience in the world.
"hello, good afternoon, i am calling to ask about accomodation around the holborn area for 3 people!"
"hello, im busy can i call you back in a bit"
"ok. thanks"
3 hours later,
"hello, i called a little earlier and i want to know about accomodation around the holborn area for 3 people."
"oh hello, i'm busy i'll call you back"
5 hours later
"hello, i called a little while back and i would like to know if you have any flats available for 3 people around holborn area."
*answering machine*


*enter agent's office*
"hello, good afternoon, we would like to find a flat which fits 3 in the holborn area"
"ok.... what is your budget?"
"the highest we'll go is £150 a week per person"
"oh ok.... i have nothing for you. thank you. bye bye"

Sometimes i just wanna go "NAHHHH......."

Posted @ { 10:28 pm }
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Monday, May 28, 2007

When everything's been said and done
Finally exams are over! I survived my first year. 4 month break now! Life is good again (well at least untill results come out that is) I dont need to study 6 hours a day anymore! I dont have to go to school at 10am and come back after 12am. Whee.....

OK, just for those of you who are curious about the subjects i take, i shall give you a detailed description about all the subjects i take (or at least attempt to)

First off, economics:
Economics is kinda like watching tiny little people in a small miny village running around doing their everyday lifes! (a bit like playing with the small plastic villages that come to life in night at the museum) You watch how everything is in balance as the cute little villagers go on and about their everyday life and then you get a bit bored, so u attempt to try new stuff, like convincing them to eat more, or work harder, or invest more in like building little tents or even convice them to want more money and you see how this causes some disruption to the system at first but then finally other things would start changing and it will all reach equilibrium again! Then as if this was not enough, you decide to introduce another small village beside them and watch what happens when the 2 villages come into contact with each other. Then after a while you get really bored with these small little villagers that you decide that a severe flood will be fun and you leave the tap running and watch as the tiny villagers go running for dear life! *sorry inside joke, those who took EC102B this year would know what i mean*

Secondly, Mathematics:
Now, this is my favourite subject, but somehow, crazy uni lecturers can turn an easy subject into a nightmare. Math can get pretty nasty especially when tuo lan yeh mathematicians suddenly decide that 3-dimensions isnt quite enough and decide to introduce a lot more. You cant even imagine what a 5-dimensional space would look like because it doesnt even exist. Like wtf...... There's only 3 dimensions man, dont make life so complicated. And just because mathematicians werent happy with the trouble they have already brought into the world, they decide to introduce a new set of number called imaginary numbers. Since normal numbers werent good enough, now we have to work with some crappy numbers that some guy thought of. So i guess maths is kinda like trying to look for a black cat in a pitch black room. No matter how you look you cant seem to find it anywhere, and at the end of the day, you get so tired that you just decide to give up and on the light to see where the stupid cat is and discover that the cat isnt even in the room in the first place.

Thirdly, Statistics:
Now, this may seem quite normal with no hocus pocus to it but with david balmer as the lecturer, even the simplest of things seem so magical. At least his not too brilliant and tends to copy and paste a lot. And not to mention the extra 20 marks he gives for his exam! So somehow, i think i will get the highest for the most boring subject.

Finally, abstract math:
They really werent lying when they called it abstract maths. You know how you go to the tate modern gallery and wonder how a black mark on the wall like someone just threw a pile of crap on it is art. YUP! this is what i feel about abstract math. It's like you go to a mamak stall and order milo ais tak mau milo! Or char kuay teow duwan kuay teow! I mean like wtf, its math without math. Definitely my worst subject of all!

So there you go, the 4 lovely subjects that i took in my first year.


Posted @ { 2:45 pm }
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Monday, May 21, 2007

Hell, It's about time!

Finally after 9 years, the wait is over! Over the weekend, Blizzard announced the much anticipated starcraft 2!

Some gameplay videos:
Ordinarily i'm not much of a fan of gameplay videos but WOW! check out the graphics man!! You can actually see the zealot's long hair waving around as they run!

Of course, air units are always the coolest! And again the graphics awesome man! Look at how the battlecruiser and barracks breaks into pieces and fall to the ground after being destroyed! Check out the mothership man, creates a shield, lasers that burn anything on the ground, and even the ability to create a blackhole... WTF!!! And i thought the carrier was powerful

And finally, the grand finale!

GG indeed!
So cool so cool so cool! Cant wait!

Posted @ { 8:48 pm }
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Friday, May 18, 2007

I screwed my econs up! =( =( =( =(
Now i know what it feels like to walk out of the exam hall after getting slaughtered! Sucks to walk out knowing that you couldnt do the 25 mark question. Sucks to think and think and think and think without being able to formulate a solution. Sucks to look around and seeing everyone else non-stop writing while you are just spining your pen round & round!
And you know what the best part is..... i spent all my blardy time studying econs. I studied econs more than any subject. HECK! i studied econs more than the combined of my 3 other subjects. Mistake man mistake. I thought if i studied econs hard enough and got to understand the whole model i could solve any question they throw at me. But NOOO.... they come up with severe floods and balance of trade deficits and dumbass governments and income elasticities and all that crap!
Haih.....I'm so screwed man! Stats next but damn moodless edi.... guess i'll only start tomorrow!

Even a nice shiny day seems gloomy!

I'm damn emo now, just like a wee!
On a lighter note tho, my invigilator was damn hot! Hope she is the invigilator for my next paper as well =p

Posted @ { 9:40 pm }
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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Too Little Too Late
Last minute revision has worked for me up untill now! I guess uni is a whole different level and a whole different competing field. One where brains gives you no advantage in!!! I mean like everyone here is damn smart wan! Cheesin...
My exams start on wednesday! So the GG man.... Well, first paper is math while tough is still doable la i guess! but my 2nd paper is econs. Double GG !!!! And last week a thought just occured to me " its actually very possible to fail econs" I mean it isnt the top failure rate subject in the uk for no reason! CRAP man! i dont want to fail econs AHHHH DIE DIE DIE! and actually its damn easy to fail, if you happen not to see the trick to a question then there goes your paper la!

Oh, SHIT! actually why the hell am i blogging now man? I just wasted like the past 10 minutes typing this crap out. OK, Back to studies. Chao the mao.

Oh and happy belated birthday to my fellow MG in UK

- PIN -

Posted @ { 10:06 pm }
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